On 17 Mar 2011, at 12:30, Jon Brisbin wrote:

> On Mar 16, 2011, at 6:39 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:
>> 3) Mark Wolfe put together some thoughtful observations about Riak and
>> the Java Client. This is a great read.
>> * Check them out here --->
>> https://github.com/wolfeidau/riak-log4j-appender/blob/master/docs/riakclient_review_ideas.md
> Addressing these issues was exactly the reason I wrote the Spring Data 
> support for Riak--though it doesn't address all the points raised in the way 
> suggested. I wanted to make Riak support a first-class component alongside my 
> other Spring components, so naturally I used the tools already available in 
> Spring like the RestTemplate and the Jackson-based JSON HttpMessageConverter.

Mark Wolfe's comments are astute and certainly timely. I'm refactoring the 
existing Riak Java Client to provide both a more intuitive/idiomatic Java API 
and an SPI so that the underlying transport (REST, Protobufs, whatever the 
future holds) is pluggable. Using **insert current best choice** to talk to 
Riak should be independent of the API for using Riak. I don't think the users 
of the API need know anything about REST, HTTP, Protobufs, JSON or any of those 
implementation details. 

Of course the hard part is getting there from here. There is an installed user 
base who have code invested in the current client and API, so throwing out the 
baby with the bath water is not an option. The process is to create a new API 
and adapt the old API to use it, deprecating the worst cases of abstraction 
leakage first to speed the transition between versions. The initial transport 
implementations will re-use (as much as sensible) the existing Http and 
protobufs code. Longer term I hope we are able add Jersey or restlet or Netty 
transports so you can pick the one(s) most suited to your needs.

Diversity is a boon for any platform, and projects like the Spring Data 
Key-Value integration for Riak are welcome participants and very much 

I liked Mark's shout out to Ripple since that project sets the standard I'd 
like the Java Client to meet. Mark's comments are a great start to the 
discussion about the future of the Riak Java client (thanks Mark), I hope you 
all weigh in.



> The Spring Data support for Riak is the basis upon which the Grails GORM 
> support is built:
> http://bit.ly/h59peU 
> Thanks!
> Jon Brisbin
> http://jbrisbin.com
> Twitter: @j_brisbin
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