Hi , streamBucket method of RiakClient throws this exception when i tried using it .
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.json.JSONTokener.end()Z at com.basho.riak.client.response.StreamedKeysCollection.cacheNext(StreamedKeysCollection.java:45) at com.basho.riak.client.util.CollectionWrapper$WrappedCollectionIterator.hasNext(CollectionWrapper.java:123) at RiakPerfTest.cleanUpRiak(RiakPerfTest.java:109) at RiakPerfTest.main(RiakPerfTest.java:94) I used it exactly in the same way as said in github wiki . Later reading the source Code of riak , I found that the problem lies in StreamedKeysCollection Class of package com.basho.riak.client.response. while (!tokens.end()) { char c = tokens.nextClean(); if ((!readingArray && c == '[') || (readingArray && c == ',')) { if (tokens.nextClean() != ']') { tokens.back(); readingArray = true; cache(tokens.nextValue().toString()); return true; } } else if (readingArray && c == ']') { readingArray = false; } else if (c == '\\') { tokens.nextClean(); // skip over escaped chars } } while (!tokens.end()) { // -> Method end() is not defined in JSONTokener Class There is a method named more() defined in JSONTokener Class , I was able to successfully retrieve all the keys when i replaced end() method with more() . Please throw some light if i am using the api's wrongly . -- Santhosh
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