Thanks for the help.
Will look up the knowledge base from next time before asking a question.
-Abhishek Kona

On 02/03/11 7:43 PM, Sean Cribbs wrote:

Mostly answered here:

If you use multi_backend with several bitcask setups you can have both expiring 
data and normal persistent data. Here's an example of what you might put in 
app.config (inside the riak_kv section):

{storage_backend, riak_kv_multi_backend},
{multi_backend, [
        {<<"bitcask">>, riak_kv_bitcask_backend, []},
         {<<"sessions>>, riak_kv_bitcask_backend, [{expiry_secs, 7200}, {data_root, 

The key pieces there is expiry_secs = 7200 (2 hours), and the separate root for 
the data files.

Sean Cribbs<>
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

P.S. If you haven't seen the Knowledge Base yet, check it out: You can also search the KB from the #riak IRC 
channel using "!kb<search terms>".

On Mar 2, 2011, at 8:21 AM, Abhishek Kona wrote:


Is it possible to have a expiry (ttl) on RIAK keys per bucket (or per key).
Or is there any other way that I am missing.

This would be greatly useful for maintaining Session data in RIAK, as expired 
session data can be auto cleared.

-Abhishek Kona

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