Sadly, the caching solution doesn't work for us. We have too much
data, and the access pattern is fairly
random. Making cache not a viable option.

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 6:38 PM, Ryan Zezeski <> wrote:
> May I also suggest in a heavy GET scenario where the data doesn't change 
> often or can be slightly stale that you also make use of some sort of shortly 
> lived, in-memory cache.  You could also make use of HTTPs conditional GET 
> which avoids passing the data over the wire if it hasn't changed.
> -Ryan
> [Sent from my iPhone]
> On Feb 23, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Bob Feldbauer <> wrote:
>> After importing data into Riak, I'm in a basically 100% GET scenario. I 
>> haven't done much load testing other than throwing live traffic at it, but 
>> with that I've seen ~150 concurrent connections.
>> I'm using Jetty app servers (Riak Java client) which are using protobufs to 
>> hit an HAProxy server, which load balances my 7 Riak nodes. I really haven't 
>> done anything special, other than using protobufs and fronting Riak with 
>> HAProxy.
>> Other than that, I would just say "use fast disks" and/or add nodes as 
>> needed to hit your capacity targets -- because with that traffic and 7 nodes 
>> with 1 1TB disk per node, I'm seeing ~0.5-<1.0 load average on Riak nodes as 
>> iowait.
>> Feel free to hop on the #riak IRC channel and I'd be happy to try to answer 
>> any other questions about our setup.
>> - Bob Feldbauer
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Wilson MacGyver<>
>>> Date: Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 7:15 PM
>>> Subject: tuning riak for 100s of concurrent connections
>>> To: riak-users Users<>
>>> Are there any guidelines/howtos on tuning riak nodes for 100s
>>> (200-500) of concurrent connections
>>> which are 99.9% HTTP GET?
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
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