There's a practical limit around 64MB.  For a small document, that's a LOT of 
versions.  That said, in some cases it would make sense to store the historical 
versions in a separate object or collection of objects.

Sean Cribbs <>
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On Feb 21, 2011, at 5:36 PM, Joshua Partogi wrote:

> Hi there,
> Sorry for the obscured title. Basically what I want to do is to store
> all my revisions (as JSON documents) as an array inside the parent.
> e.g:
> Document1: "doc_name : bar, revisions: [ { revision:1, doc_name:bar },
> { revision: 2, doc_name: foo } ] "
> where Document1 is riak object key. So as there are more revision, the
> value will get larger. My concern is there is a limitation on how big
> the value is.
> Is my concern reasonable? If so, what is the maximum size of value in
> riak key-value store?
> Thank you for the assistance.
> Kind regards,
> Joshua.
> -- 
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