On 18 Feb 2011, at 23:20, Wilson MacGyver wrote:

> We use the java client, mostly in groovy. In terms of wish list
> 1: Protocol buffer support, this is addressed in the 0.14 version.
> 2: make the httpconnection max client setting work. I couldn't get this to 
> work
> no matter what I do. It always only open 1 connection.

I have a fix for this. You can see it (roughly) here.

Although it is badly formatted so I haven't put a pull request in yet, it will 
be addressed very soon. 

> 3: support no-data flag. I noticed in python client, you can pass a
> no-data returned
> flag when doing a PUT to riak. I can't find the same thing in java.
> This would be
> very useful in bulk upload situation.

Sounds extremely doable, and in short order. 

> 4: it'd be nice if we can write map/reduce functions in groovy. :)

Requires more thought but it is well worth thinking about. Thanks for all these 
and keep them coming. 

> On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 10:22 PM, David Smith <diz...@basho.com> wrote:
>> We're also working on putting together a comparison with the Ripple
>> API (h/t to Sean) and using that to improve/expand the Java API
>> accordingly. The intent is that all APIs should be idiomatic to
>> languages, so it won't be a straight port necessarily.
>> Short answer -- we're working on it and would love your input. :)
> -- 
> Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.
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On 19 Feb 2011, at 14:59, Russell Brown wrote:

> On 18 Feb 2011, at 23:20, Wilson MacGyver wrote:
>> We use the java client, mostly in groovy. In terms of wish list
>> 1: Protocol buffer support, this is addressed in the 0.14 version.
>> 2: make the httpconnection max client setting work. I couldn't get this to 
>> work
>> no matter what I do. It always only open 1 connection.
> I have a fix for this. You can see it (roughly) here.
> https://github.com/russelldb/riak-java-client/commit/9b0e837a6a4492d9d27610866fa342278d5fac98
> Although it is badly formatted so I haven't put a pull request in yet, it 
> will be addressed very soon. 
>> 3: support no-data flag. I noticed in python client, you can pass a
>> no-data returned
>> flag when doing a PUT to riak. I can't find the same thing in java.
>> This would be
>> very useful in bulk upload situation.
> Sounds extremely doable in short order. 
>> 4: it'd be nice if we can write map/reduce functions in groovy. :)
> Requires more thought but it is well worth thinking about. Thanks for all 
> these and keep them coming. 
>> On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 10:22 PM, David Smith <diz...@basho.com> wrote:
>>> We're also working on putting together a comparison with the Ripple
>>> API (h/t to Sean) and using that to improve/expand the Java API
>>> accordingly. The intent is that all APIs should be idiomatic to
>>> languages, so it won't be a straight port necessarily.
>>> Short answer -- we're working on it and would love your input. :)
>> -- 
>> Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.
>> _______________________________________________
>> riak-users mailing list
>> riak-users@lists.basho.com
>> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com

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