The problem you're running into is that Luwak will only store the information 
about a file that you tell it. Unless you make the luwak_file aware of the 
file's metadata in the filesystem (through luwak_file:set_attribute), you're 
simply telling luwak to store the binary data that is read from disk. 

How file metadata is handled varies from filesystem to filesystem. On some UNIX 
filesystems, file metadata is stored in inodes. Inodes are pointers to the 
actual file on disk, but they also contain the file metadata.

Jeremiah Peschka
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
MCITP: Database Developer, DBA
On Friday, February 18, 2011 at 11:21 PM, Aditya Patadia wrote: 
> Hello, can anyone tell me is there any alternative to Luwak to store 
> large files.??? I want some open source solution alternative to Luwak 
> which splits the large files in small chunks and then stores the file in 
> Riak database. I would also like to store metadata of the file in the 
> Riak.. Please guide me thoroughly..
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