Hi Dan,

I forked and re-factored the erlang client so the record definitions of 
riak_object (server) and riakc_obj (client) match, removing the client side 
discrepancy between the results from get and the results from mapred. The 
changes should be backwards compatible but a critical look is very welcomed.

You can find at at: https://github.com/odo/riak-erlang-client

I tried to extend riakc_obj with riak_object but that would have made the 
client vulnerable to changes in the core application, so I decided to copy the 
When running 'make; make test' 58 tests are passing but two are still failing. 
I can't put my finger on what is going wrong here and any suggestions would be 
greatly appreciated.


On 07.02.2011, at 23:12, Dan Reverri wrote:

> Hi Florian,
> riak_object is the module used by the native Erlang client and was used 
> before the protocol buffers interface existed.
> riakc_obj is used by the Erlang protocol buffers client and does not depend 
> on any Riak KV code.
> Re-factoring the code to use a single module seems like a good idea; pull 
> requests are always welcome if you want to give it a shot.
> Thanks,
> Dan
> Daniel Reverri
> Developer Advocate
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> d...@basho.com
> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 7:43 AM, Florian Odronitz <o...@mac.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am using the erlang protocol buffers client which uses riakc_obj to handle 
> riak objects. As I understand riak uses riak_object internally.
> Looking at the functions the modules look almost identical. Why is it done 
> that way?
> Thanks,
> Florian
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