For anyone else trying to do this, I couldn't find any docs on how to do dynamic default values.
Objective: add an auto-generated UUID field to a Click model using Twitter's simple_uuid gem. Class Click include Ripple::Document include SimpleUUID property :uuid, String, :default => foo key on :uuid def foo end end This just gave me "foo" every time: Changing default to gave me a nice uuid value but the same one each time. I had to make the default property lambda { } for it to work. Many other gems/plugins have a convention that if your value in these cases is a symbol it treats it as a local function. This would mean changing the default function in the Ripple gem to something like (untested and untried!): def default default = options[:default] return nil if default.nil? if default.is_a? :symbol type_cast(self.respond_to?(:default) ? self.default : nil) else type_cast(default.respond_to?(:call) ? : default) end end M. _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list