Hmm, seems I was mistaken; even without the def id I'm still getting issues. 
I'll have a look back through my terminal to try and find out what I did that 
fixed the association and report back when I work it out.

Thanks again for the help (and for creating ripple),

On 8 Feb 2011, at 10:28 PM, Sean Cribbs wrote:

> A number of months ago I sent some patches to Jose for devise, but halted 
> progress when he said I should write an orm_adapter plugin for Ripple.  
> That's likely the proper way to go about it, but I haven't had time to handle 
> it yet.
> Sean Cribbs <>
> Developer Advocate
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> On Feb 8, 2011, at 5:18 PM, Stephen Allred wrote:
>> So it turns out it was the 
>> ---
>> def id
>> email
>> end
>> ---
>> that is causing the issue. Without it the association works fine (I'm 
>> assuming it is overriding some default ripple method/interfering with the 
>> linking somehow) but devise doesn't like the model without it. I'll try to 
>> dig some more for a fix.
>> Cheers,
>> Steve
>> On 8 Feb 2011, at 8:28 PM, Sean Cribbs wrote:
>>> You might also try upgrading to 1.9.2p136 (I hope you're using rvm). I'm 
>>> not convinced that's the problem, however.
>>> Sean Cribbs <>
>>> Developer Advocate
>>> Basho Technologies, Inc.
>>> On Feb 8, 2011, at 3:11 PM, Stephen Allred wrote:
>>>> Sean
>>>> $ ruby -v 
>>>> ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29036) [x86_64-darwin10.4.3]
>>>> I'll try cleaning out my riak store and then without the devise code give 
>>>> it a go.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Steve
>>>> On 8 Feb 2011, at 8:08PM, Sean Cribbs wrote:
>>>>> Stephen,
>>>>> Without loading the devise-ripple stuff, I copied and pasted your model 
>>>>> code into irb, and cannot reproduce the problem.
>>>>> irb> user = User.create(:email => "")
>>>>> => < email="" password=nil 
>>>>> password_confirmation=nil created_at=2011-02-08 20:06:27 UTC 
>>>>> updated_at=2011-02-08 20:06:27 UTC> 
>>>>> irb> journal_entry = => "test", :title => 
>>>>> "test", :entry => "test")
>>>>> => <JournalEntry:test short_title="test" title="test" entry="test" 
>>>>> created_at=2011-02-08 15:06:56 -0500 updated_at=nil> 
>>>>> irb> journal_entry.user = user
>>>>> => < email="" password=nil 
>>>>> password_confirmation=nil created_at=2011-02-08 20:06:27 UTC 
>>>>> updated_at=2011-02-08 20:06:27 UTC> 
>>>>> irb>
>>>>> => true 
>>>>> irb> journal_entry.reload
>>>>> => <JournalEntry:test short_title="test" title="test" entry="test" 
>>>>> created_at=2011-02-08 20:06:56 UTC updated_at=2011-02-08 20:07:14 UTC> 
>>>>> irb> journal_entry.user
>>>>> => < email="" password=nil 
>>>>> password_confirmation=nil created_at=2011-02-08 20:06:27 UTC 
>>>>> updated_at=2011-02-08 20:06:27 UTC> 
>>>>> Out of curiosity, what version of Ruby are you using?
>>>>> Sean Cribbs <>
>>>>> Developer Advocate
>>>>> Basho Technologies, Inc.
>>>>> On Feb 8, 2011, at 2:54 PM, Stephen Allred wrote:
>>>>>> I've tried commenting out the devise stuff and added the properties that 
>>>>>> came from devise:
>>>>>> --- user.rb ---
>>>>>> require 'ripple'
>>>>>> #require 'digest'
>>>>>> class User
>>>>>> include Ripple::Document
>>>>>> #devise :registerable, :confirmable, :database_authenticatable, 
>>>>>> :recoverable, :validatable
>>>>>> property :email,                  String, :presence => true
>>>>>> property :password,               String
>>>>>> property :password_confirmation,  String
>>>>>> property :encrypted_password,     String
>>>>>> property :password_salt,          String
>>>>>> property :reset_password_token,   String
>>>>>> property :confirmation_token,     String
>>>>>> property :confirmed_at,           String
>>>>>> property :confirmation_sent_at,   String
>>>>>> timestamps!
>>>>>> key_on :email
>>>>>> def key
>>>>>> email
>>>>>> end
>>>>>> def id
>>>>>> email
>>>>>> end
>>>>>> end
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> I'm still getting the same "(Object doesn't support #inspect)" when I 
>>>>>> call journal_entry.user (nil class).
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>> On 8 Feb 2011, at 7:01 PM, Sean Cribbs wrote:
>>>>>>> I haven't played with ripple-devise. Try commenting those parts out 
>>>>>>> first and see what happens.
>>>>>>> Sean Cribbs <>
>>>>>>> Developer Advocate
>>>>>>> Basho Technologies, Inc.
>>>>>>> On Feb 8, 2011, at 1:53 PM, Stephen Allred wrote:
>>>>>>>> Sean,
>>>>>>>> Yeah, I fetched it in using User.first before trying to assign it.
>>>>>>>> Could this have something to do with using ripple-devise (the User 
>>>>>>>> document is a ripple-devise user)?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>>>> On 8 Feb 2011, at 6:47 PM, Sean Cribbs wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Stephen,
>>>>>>>>> Was your User object saved before you added it the journal entry?
>>>>>>>>> Sean Cribbs <>
>>>>>>>>> Developer Advocate
>>>>>>>>> Basho Technologies, Inc.
>>>>>>>>> On Feb 8, 2011, at 1:46 PM, Stephen Allred wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Sean,
>>>>>>>>>> $ puts journal_entry.robject.links.inspect
>>>>>>>>>> #<Set: {</riak/users/>; 
>>>>>>>>>> riaktag="user", </riak/journal_entries>; riaktag="up"}>
>>>>>>>>>> => nil 
>>>>>>>>>> $ journal_entry
>>>>>>>>>> => <JournalEntry:test short_title="test" title="test" entry="test" 
>>>>>>>>>> created_at=2011-02-07 22:47:17 UTC updated_at=2011-02-08 18:08:47 
>>>>>>>>>> UTC>
>>>>>>>>>> $ journal_entry.user
>>>>>>>>>> (Object doesn't support #inspect)
>>>>>>>>>> =>
>>>>>>>>>> $ journal_entry.user.inspect
>>>>>>>>>> NoMethodError: undefined method `key' for nil:NilClass
>>>>>>>>>>      from 
>>>>>>>>>> /Users/stephenallred/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/activesupport-3.0.3/lib/active_support/whiny_nil.rb:48:in
>>>>>>>>>>  `method_missing'
>>>>>>>>>>      from 
>>>>>>>>>> /Users/stephenallred/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/ripple-0.8.3/lib/ripple/document/finders.rb:122:in
>>>>>>>>>>  `block in instantiate'
>>>>>>>>>>      from 
>>>>>>>>>> /Users/stephenallred/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/ripple-0.8.3/lib/ripple/document/finders.rb:121:in
>>>>>>>>>>  `tap'
>>>>>>>>>>      from 
>>>>>>>>>> /Users/stephenallred/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/ripple-0.8.3/lib/ripple/document/finders.rb:121:in
>>>>>>>>>>  `instantiate'
>>>>>>>>>>      from 
>>>>>>>>>> /Users/stephenallred/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/ripple-0.8.3/lib/ripple/associations/one_linked_proxy.rb:25:in
>>>>>>>>>>  `find_target'
>>>>>>>>>>      from 
>>>>>>>>>> /Users/stephenallred/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/ripple-0.8.3/lib/ripple/associations/proxy.rb:113:in
>>>>>>>>>>  `load_target'
>>>>>>>>>>      from 
>>>>>>>>>> /Users/stephenallred/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/ripple-0.8.3/lib/ripple/associations/proxy.rb:41:in
>>>>>>>>>>  `inspect'
>>>>>>>>>>      from (irb):17
>>>>>>>>>>      from 
>>>>>>>>>> /Users/stephenallred/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/railties-3.0.3/lib/rails/commands/console.rb:44:in
>>>>>>>>>>  `start'
>>>>>>>>>>      from 
>>>>>>>>>> /Users/stephenallred/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/railties-3.0.3/lib/rails/commands/console.rb:8:in
>>>>>>>>>>  `start'
>>>>>>>>>>      from 
>>>>>>>>>> /Users/stephenallred/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/railties-3.0.3/lib/rails/commands.rb:23:in
>>>>>>>>>>  `<top (required)>'
>>>>>>>>>>      from script/rails:6:in `require'
>>>>>>>>>>      from script/rails:6:in `<main>'
>>>>>>>>>> Hopefully those are useful,
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the quick response!
>>>>>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>>>>>> On 8 Feb 2011, at 6:37 PM, Sean Cribbs wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Stephen,
>>>>>>>>>>> Sounds like you've either found a bug.  When you have saved the 
>>>>>>>>>>> journal entry in irb, what is the output of this command?
>>>>>>>>>>> puts journal_entry.robject.links.inspect
>>>>>>>>>>> Sean Cribbs <>
>>>>>>>>>>> Developer Advocate
>>>>>>>>>>> Basho Technologies, Inc.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 8, 2011, at 1:23 PM, Stephen Allred wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm having trouble setting up a one association in a ripple 
>>>>>>>>>>>> document. I'm trying to setup an association between a user and a 
>>>>>>>>>>>> journal entry, such that the journal has one user, that the user 
>>>>>>>>>>>> created.
>>>>>>>>>>>> My JournalEntry document:
>>>>>>>>>>>> --- journal_entry.rb ---
>>>>>>>>>>>> require 'ripple'
>>>>>>>>>>>> class JournalEntry
>>>>>>>>>>>> include Ripple::Document
>>>>>>>>>>>> property :short_title,  String, :presence => true
>>>>>>>>>>>> property :title,        String, :presence => true
>>>>>>>>>>>> property :entry,        String, :presence => true
>>>>>>>>>>>> timestamps!
>>>>>>>>>>>> one :user
>>>>>>>>>>>> key_on :short_title
>>>>>>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>>>>> My User document:
>>>>>>>>>>>> --- user.rb ---
>>>>>>>>>>>> require 'ripple'
>>>>>>>>>>>> require 'digest'
>>>>>>>>>>>> class User
>>>>>>>>>>>> include Ripple::Document
>>>>>>>>>>>> devise :registerable, :confirmable, :database_authenticatable, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> :recoverable, :validatable
>>>>>>>>>>>> property :email,                  String, :presence => true
>>>>>>>>>>>> property :password,               String
>>>>>>>>>>>> property :password_confirmation,  String
>>>>>>>>>>>> timestamps!
>>>>>>>>>>>> key_on :email
>>>>>>>>>>>> def key
>>>>>>>>>>>> email
>>>>>>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>>>>>>> def id
>>>>>>>>>>>> email
>>>>>>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>>>>> I've tried in the rails console to associate a user with 
>>>>>>>>>>>> journal_entry (journal_entry.user = user), save it and reload it. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> The resulting reloaded journal_entry does not have a user (calling 
>>>>>>>>>>>> journal_entry.user prints "(Object doesn't support #inspect)").
>>>>>>>>>>>> My journal entry in riak loaded via the browser looks like:
>>>>>>>>>>>> {"short_title":"test","title":"test","entry":"test","created_at":"Mon,
>>>>>>>>>>>>  07 Feb 2011 22:47:17 -0000","updated_at":"Tue, 08 Feb 2011 
>>>>>>>>>>>> 18:08:47 -0000","_type":"JournalEntry"}
>>>>>>>>>>>> Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Steve
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