Yes, that's correct, but I don't see any reason you should make things harder 
on yourself. The overhead of a few binaries is not significant enough to weigh 
down operations.

Sean Cribbs <>
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On Jan 25, 2011, at 5:08 AM, Nico Meyer wrote:

> Hi,
> maybe I am wrong here, but from looking at the code of
> riak_kv_multi_backend I get the impression that the backend name can be
> anything (binary, atom, integer, ...), as long as it is the same in the
> multi_backend config and the 'backend' property of the bucket.
> The limitation to binaries comes from the REST interface, right? If the
> bucket properties are set via the native Erlang client one can still use
> atoms, which should be (slightly) faster. Of course, people who only use
> the REST interface don't care too much about performance, so the small
> performance hit of using binaries for the backend name might not matter.
> Cheers,
> Nico
> Am Montag, den 24.01.2011, 16:11 -0800 schrieb Anthony Molinaro:
>> On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 02:15:37PM -0500, Sean Cribbs wrote:
>>> Default bucket properties are defined in riak_core, not riak_kv, so you 
>>> can't really set the hash function as a result of setting something else.  
>>> Furthermore, you really only have to set these once, so you could configure 
>>> your application to check the bucket props on startup and set them 
>>> appropriately.
>> Do you mean in the start/2 of the custom backend, or somewhere else?  I 
>> thought
>> the start/2 function was passed the partition number (which in turn I thought
>> was a result of calling the hash), but that's just conjecture as I've not had
>> a chance to trace through the code.  If that is the case it seems like it 
>> would
>> be too late, if you are talking about my application talking to riak, I 
>> thought
>> there was no way via the pb client to set these options.  I'd like to avoid
>> using a mix of pb and HTTP in my application as it just seems to complicate
>> things.  I'll probably just use curl when I first set things up for now, but
>> figured I'd put these issues out there in case others have these problems
>> or the basho developers are bored and looking for things to do ;)
>>> "backend" is a property only used by the multi_backend (which isn't used 
>>> that frequently), so it seems a little presumptuous to special-case that 
>>> property (turning it into an atom).  There are a few other technical 
>>> reasons that you don't want to arbitrarily turn binaries into atoms.  I 
>>> agree that it's not especially intuitive but I think it's a small point of 
>>> pain, especially if we fix the documentation.
>> Oh, I assumed since the documentation said atom it was meant to be that, and
>> most other parameters are either strings, integers or atoms.  So binaries are
>> a bit surprising.  But I don't have a strong opinion, so I'll just document
>> what's working.
>> -Anthony
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