Evening, Afternoon, Morning to All,

Here's a short Recap for the last few days.



Community Manager
Basho Technologies


Riak Recap for Jan. 21 - 23

1) Riak Search was officially released this morning
(http://bit.ly/hGUtbr) and it looks like Timothée Peignier
(@cyberdelia) has already taken care of the Homebrew updates.
Installing the latest Riak Search on you Mac is just a 'brew install
riak-search' away. Thanks, Timothée!

* For those of you aren't Mac and/or Homebrew users, check out
http://wiki.basho.com/Riak-Search---Installation-and-Setup.html to get
Riak Search up and running on your platform of choice.

2) This one is a few days late but still worth passing along: riak-js,
Riak's node.js client, has some new enhancements in the area of PB
parsing thanks to a sizable chunk of code from Chris Moos.

* All the details are here---> https://github.com/frank06/riak-js

3) Q --- Is it possible to use key filtering in regexp like manner?
let's say i have set of keys like: mykey:tag:anothertag:anothertag.
Can I do query like mykey:tag:.*?:anothertag? (from hoodoos via #riak)

   A --- Yes. Use the "matches" filter.

* More on Key Filters here ---> http://wiki.basho.com/Key-Filters.html

4) seancribbs and hoodoos had a quick chat in #riak about backing up a
Riak cluster that's using Bitcask

* Gist here ---> https://gist.github.com/794290

5) Here are a few teasers from @j_brisbin about the latest
Riak-related code he is hacking on (hint: it involves RabbitMQ).

* http://twitter.com/j_brisbin/status/29178611613302784
* http://twitter.com/j_brisbin/status/29555108333223936

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