One concern from me is calling it standard_analyzer_factory... That name is 
semi-in-use by Solr:

And did not have the same behavior as the (previously) Default Tokenizer. 
That'll have a lot of potential to confuse people coming from Solr. I'd suggest 
calling it something like Generic Analyzer Factory--or at least sticking some 
scary wording around it in the wiki.

On Monday, January 24, 2011 at 10:53 AM, Rusty Klophaus wrote:

> Hello Riak Users,
> We are excited to announce the release of Riak Search version 0.14!
> Pre-built installations and source tarballs are available at: 
> Release notes are at (also copied below): 
> Thanks,
> Basho
> ------------------------------- Riak Search 0.14.0 Release Notes 
> -------------------------------- The majority of effort during development of 
> Riak Search 0.14 went toward rewriting the query parsing and planning system. 
> This fixes all known query planning bugs. We also managed to add quite a few 
> new features and performance improvements. See the highlights below for 
> details. Important Configuration and Interface Changes: - The system now uses 
> the 'whitespace_analyzer_factory' by default. (It previously used the 
> 'default_analyzer_factory', which has been renamed to 
> 'standard_analyzer_factory'.) - Indexing and searching will fail with an 
> error message if the analyzer_factory configuration setting is not set at 
> either a schema or field level. - The method signature for custom Erlang and 
> Javascript extractors has changed. Highlights: - Fixed the query parser to 
> properly respect field-level analyzer settings. - Fixed the query parser to 
> correctly handle escaped special  characters and 
terms within single-quotes and double-quotes. - Fixed the query parser's 
interpretation of inclusive and exclusive ranges, allowing an inclusive range 
on one side, and an exclusive range on the other (mimicking Lucene). - Fixed 
the execution engine to significantly speed up proximity searches and phrase 
searches. (678) - By default new installations use all Erlang-based extractors, 
and the JVM is not started. Setting the analysis_port in etc/app.config will 
cause the JVM to start and allow the use of Java Lucene-based analyzers. - 
System now aborts queries that would queue up too many documents in a result 
set. This is controlled by a 'max_search_results' setting in riak_search. Note 
that this only affects the Solr interface. Searches through the Riak Client API 
that feed into a Map/Reduce job are still allowed to execute because the system 
streams those results. - Change handoff of Search data stored in merge_index to 
be more memory efficient. - Added "*_date", "*_int", "*_text", an
d "*_txt" dynamic fields to the default schema. ------------ Improvements 
------------ 414 - ETS backend now fully functional (415, 795) 592 - Make 
parser multi-schema aware 783 - Pass Search Props as KeyData to Map/Reduce 
Query 788 - Add support for indexing Erlang terms / proplists 839 - Create a 
way to globally clear schema cache 925 - Change search-cmd commands 
(set_schema, etc.) to use dashes. ---------- Fixed Bugs ---------- 186 - Qilr 
fails when parsing ISO8601 dates 311 - Qilr does not correctly parse negative 
numbers 363 - Range queries broken for negative numbers 369 - Range queries 
broken for ALL integer fields 405 - Update search:index_dir/N to de-index old 
documents first 411 - Our handling of NOT is different from Solr - "NOT X", 
"AND NOT X", "AND (NOT X)" 609 - Calling search:search or search:explain with a 
binary hangs shell 611 - Error in inclusive/exclusive range building 612 - 
Single term queries shouldn't include proximity clauses 622 - schema and 
schemachange tes
t fail after new parser 711 - Update new #range operator to support negative 
integers 729 - Make Qilr use analyzer specified in schema 732 - Word Position 
is thrown off by Stopwords 764 - The function search:delete_doc/2 blocks if run 
after search:index_dir/2 797 - Ranges with quoted terms do not return correct 
results 801 - Anonymous javascript extractors stored in Bucket/Keys validate 
but are not implemented 802 - Schema allows default field that is not defined, 
but breaks when analyzing 803 - Cannot use search m/r with riak_client:mapred 
832 - Query parser fails on escaped special characters 833 - Proximity 
searching is currently broken for Whitespace Analyzer 836 - Integer padding is 
ignored for dynamic fields 837 - The parser interprets hyphens as negations 
(NOT) 840 - JSON and raw extractors assumes a default field of "value" 849 - 
Default Erlang Analyzer misses 'that' and 'then' as stop words 850 - 
text_analyzers module is not tail-recursive 864 - Solr output chokes on dates 8
85 - Coordinating node exits if result set exceeds available memory 886 - Query 
parser error when searching on terms that contain the @ symbol 935 - Change 
merge_index fold to be unordered 956 - Error when setting rs_extractfun through 
Curl/JSON ------------ Known Issues ------------ 362 - Sorting broken on 
negative numbers 399 - Handoff can potentially lead to extraneous postings 
pointing to a missing or changed document 790 - Indexing data too quickly can 
exhaust the ETS table limit 814 - text_analyzer:default_analyzer_factory skips 
unicode code points beyond 0x7f 861 - merge_index throws errors when data path 
contains a period 866 - Sorting positions may change between Solr Searches 867 
- Solr "rows" and "start" parameters are applied too early 908 - Solr q.op 
parameter is ignored (Regression) 955 - Range searching and wildcards across 
UTF-8 data is broken 957 - Error when viewing bucket properties with a set 
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