I've been playing around with riak lately as really my first usage of a
distributed key/value store. I quite like many of the concepts and
possibilities of Riak and what it may deliver, however I'm really stuck on
an issue.

Doing the equivalent of a select * from sometable in riak is seemingly slow.
As a quick test I tried...


Before even iterating over the keys this was unbearably slow already. This
took almost half a second on my machine where mytable is completely empty!

I'm a little baffled, I would assume that getting all the keys of a table is
an incredibly common task?  How do I get all the keys of a table quickly? By
quickly I mean a few milliseconds or less as I would expect of even a "slow"
rdbms with an empty table, even some tables with 1000's of items can get all
the primary keys of a sql table in a few milliseconds.

Tom Burdick
riak-users mailing list

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