Make sure you check the padding of the number. I can no longer locate in the
wiki where it said you need to pad integer types, but as far as I remember
you need to pad the integer out to at least 10 digits. You should be able to
set a custom padding size like so:

{field, [ {name, "account"}, {type, integer}, {*padding*_size, 20} ]}, but I
could not make it work before with a padding size of less than 10. I may be
wrong now with the new release, but give it a try.

Instead of 5555, use 0000005555, and it should index properly.

- Joe Lambert
+86 13656213284

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 6:12 AM, Gary William Flake <> wrote:

> Per the advice from my earlier question (about retrieving records in a
> particular sort order), I've been playing with Riak Search in an attempt to
> use a range query over a numeric field to get the sort order that I want (or
> at least the right range).
> For the life of me, I can't get Riak Search to index on a numeric value,
> even if it is a *_num field.  I know that Lucene had some issues in the past
> with having to get around the standard parsers stripping out numbers, but I
> had assume that since Riak Search explicitly has a numeric type in its
> schema, that this would be supported out of the box.
> Anyhow, I've tried every combination of setting up fields name as *_num,
> with values as strings or as unquoted ints, with using different encoding,
> etc.  The net of it is that I can't query on anything numeric.
> What's the trick?
> Thanks,
> -- GWF
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