Afternoon, Evening, Morning to All,

For today's Recap: a few questions and convos from #riak, a new Riak
Meetup in the Bay Area, a lengthy Riak talk, and more.



Community Manager
Basho Technologies


Riak Recap for Jan. 10 - 11

1) RJ2, seancribbs, peschkaj and siculars had a brief chat in #riak
that started with, "Can anyone elaborate on how efficient doing a
'last N results ordered by <datefield> desc' for stuff in a given
bucket is with riak search?"

* Gist here --->

2)  Q --- We are migrating from native Erlang client to PB, but we
have some values stored as non-binary terms. Am I right that copying
these buckets with converting the values into binaries is the only way
to avoid errors of PB with them? (from demmonoid via #riak)

    A --- Yes.

3) Q ---  I setup riak-search to index files I'm writing to luwak and
I realized that, AFAICT, the indexed terms will still persist after I
delete these files. I was thinking how to remove these indexes and I
figured I could use the postcommit hook along with the delete_terms
interface...does that sound reasonable? Is there a better way? (from
progski via #riak)

   A --- The best way to do this is to delete the docs from the index
manually at the same time you delete them from Luwak. Pre-commits have
not been tested with Luwak and most-likely won't work as envisioned

4) The test server code that Sean Cribbs has been working on for
riak-js has just been merger into master.

* All the commit details here  --->

5) Pivotal Labs posted the video of the Riak talks that Dizzy and Jon
Meredith gave at the Pivotal Labs Boulder office back in November.
This starts out with a Riak overview and then moves into some info on
schema design.

* Video here --->

6) For anyone in the Bay Area: The January Riak Meetup is on the
calendar. It's happening on 1/27. This month's presenter is Lev
Walkin, Co-founder and CTO of Echo (JS-Kit), talking about Riak at
Echo, and scaling Riak on EC2.

* Details and registration here--->

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