That was it. Thank you so much. Subject: Re: erlang client From: Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2011 20:24:35 -0600 CC: To:
Looks like you're trying to connect to the HTTP port using the Protobuff client. 2> {ok, Pid}=riakc_pb_socket:start_link("", 8098). {ok,<0.35.0>} The examples show: 1> {ok, Pid} = riakc_pb_socket:start_link("", 8087). Port 8098 is the default port for HTTP. Thanks!Jon Brisbin Web: Twitter: @j_brisbin Skype: jon.brisbin On Jan 7, 2011, at 7:54 PM, Qvin . wrote: Hi, I am trying to connect to riak using the riak-erlang-client v1.0.2 from but I've not been successful. I get the error listed below - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2> {ok, Pid}=riakc_pb_socket:start_link("", 8098). {ok,<0.35.0>} 3> Pid. <0.35.0> 4> riakc_pb_socket:ping(Pid). =ERROR REPORT==== 7-Jan-2011::20:37:22 === ** Generic server <0.35.0> terminating ** Last message in was {req_timeout,#Ref<>} ** When Server state == {state,"",8098,false,false,undefined, undefined, {[],[]}, 1,[],infinity,100} ** Reason for termination == ** disconnected ** exception exit: disconnected ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am running riak 0.14 and I know that it's working fine as I am able to connect to it through the http interface. I have erlang R13B04 installed. I tried this on Ubuntu 10.10 with erlang R13B03 installed and I had the same problem. Any suggestions? Is this is a erlang client issue? Thanks in advance, Qvin _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list
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