Hello Riak Users, 

After a failed attempt to 'put' an object witk riakc_pb_socket api, into a 
bucket enabled for indexing and the retrying the same operation with erlang 
client  I get the following error. 

It seems to me that this error does not even suppose to appear here. 
webmachine error: path="/riak/noi/0000159876/" 

The schema I am working with lokks like: 

        {version, "1.1"},                               
        {default_field, "index"},                 
        {default_op, "or"},                             
        {n_val, 3},                                     
        {analyzer_factory, "com.basho.search.analysis.DefaultAnalyzerFactory"} 
        {field, [{name, "index"},{type, string}]},                       
        {field, [{name, "period"},{type, integer}]},                         
        {field, [{name, "request_date"},{type, string}]},                       
        {field, [{name, "comment"},{type, string}]},                         
        {field, [{name, "operator"},{type, string}]},                           
        {field, [{name, "last_update"},{type, string}]},                       

        {field, [{name, "worker_name"},{type, string}]}, 
        {field, [{name, "worker_street1"},{type, string}]}, 
        {field, [{name, "worker_street2"},{type, string}]}, 
        {field, [{name, "worker_street3"},{type, string}]}, 
        {field, [{name, "worker_city"},{type, string}]},   
        {field, [{name, "worker_sp"},{type, string}]},     
        {field, [{name, "worker_pc"},{type, string}]},     
        {field, [{name, "worker_cc"},{type, string}]},     
        {field, [{name, "worker_phone"},{type, string}]}, 
        {field, [{name, "worker_fax"},{type, string}]},   
        {field, [{name, "worker_email"},{type, string}]} 

A working document would look like: 


     {"request_date",<<"2011-01-05 15:06:41">>},                                



     {"last_update",<<"2011-01-05 15:06:41">>},                                 




               {"street1",<<"Str. Muzeul Zambaccian 22B, Ap.1, Sector 1">>},    










and I am using riak_search-0.13 

Best Wishes, 


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