A short to medium term fix might be to go the route of some other database
vendors and create a linux VM that can be used in VMWare VPlayer. If I had
VMWare, I'd go about doing this, but my VM tools are Mac only...

Jeremiah Peschka
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
MCITP: Database Developer, DBA

On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 8:03 PM, OJ Reeves <o...@buffered.io> wrote:

> As someone who has to spend most of their time in Windows at the moment,
> I'd like to just add my view.
> For the sake of development and testing, I have found that running a number
> of Riak nodes in a Linux VM on my Windows desktop is as fast, if not faster,
> than talking to other databases (such as SQL Server and MySQL) with native
> installations. The time and effort to set this up is also comparable.
> As far as production deployments are concerned I would be happy (if not
> prefer) to fire up Linux servers to run my Riak nodes instead of Windows.
> Partly because of the cost involved, partly for other reasons such as
> overhead.
> In short, don't let the lack of Windows support put you off. You can still
> have a great time with Riak even if your main OS is Windows. I've not found
> it to be a barrier at all.
>  Just my $0.02 :) All the best with your experiments.
> OJ
> On 6 January 2011 10:53, Justin Sheehy <jus...@basho.com> wrote:
>> Hello, Jérôme.
>> It looks like Jeremiah has already answered one of your questions, so
>> I'll get the other.
>> On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 6:41 PM, Jérôme Verstrynge <jvers...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > My other question/remark is: there does not seem to be a downloadable
>> > version of Riak for Windows. Is there a technical reason for this or is
>> it a
>> > 'religious' issue?
>> There's certainly no operating system religion at work here, simply
>> the limited resources of a small team.  A few different people in the
>> community have been working on Windows support, which we think is a
>> great idea -- we just currently don't have anyone spare to make
>> official windows releases, QA and benchmark those releases on various
>> windows systems, and so on.
>> -Justin
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> --
> OJ Reeves
> http://buffered.io/
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