Hello, I have three-node riak search cluster, with buckets enabled for indexing and the apropriate schema for the index
Using riak http client the document is inserted with success. But using riak protocol buffer client the following error occurs: {error,<<"{precommit_fail,{error,missing_field,<<\"value\">>}}">>} when trying to insert the document like this: 365> {ok, Pid1} = riakc_pb_socket:start_link(Server, 8087). 366> f(Obj),Obj = riakc_obj:new(<<"noi">>, <<"0000314855">>, term_to_binary(Data), list_to_binary("application/x-erlang-term")). {riakc_obj,<<"noi">>,<<"0000314855">>,undefined,[], {dict,1,16,16,8,80,48, {[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],...}, {{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[[<<...>>|...]],[],[],...}}}, <<131,108,0,0,0,113,97,123,107,0,11,34,100,111,109,97, 105,110,95,105,100,34,...>>} 367> riakc_pb_socket:put(Pid1, Obj). {error,<<"{precommit_fail,{error,missing_field,<<\"value\">>}}">>} 368> The schema defines all fields in the document with their type correctly. I don't know what causing this problem. If I insert the same Object into a bucket with index hook disabled, everything works fine. What stopping the pb_socket erlang client to insert a document into an index-enabled bucket? Thank you in advanced -- View this message in context: http://riak-users.197444.n3.nabble.com/precommit-fail-missing-field-tp2199181p2199181.html Sent from the Riak Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com. _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.basho.com http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com