I can definitely repeat this.

It seems to work correctly with the array of integers consistently from the
erlang console, but the second key in the array does not show using the solr
interface. For example, [1971, 2] when indexed as integers will work from
console with  search:search(<<"test">>, <<"users:0000001971">>) and
search:search(<<"test">>, <<"users:0000000002">>), but using http and the
solr interface, only'
will work (2 is the second key in the array).

However, keys like:


do not work at all. It is getting extracted and indexed, but does not work
when you search on that value from erlang console, http, or command line.

Please tell me I made a mistake and should just kick myself :).

- Joe Lambert


On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 4:18 PM, Joseph Lambert

> Seems that they are. I haven't repeated over large numbers of different
> tests though
> example:
> search:search(<<"test">>, <<"users:0002619082">>).
> curl '
> '
> riak_search> s(users:0002619082).
> I've got a sinking feeling it's something I am doing wrong.
> - Joe Lambert
> joseph.g.lamb...@gmail.com
> +86 13656213284
> On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Dan Reverri <d...@basho.com> wrote:
>> Hi Joseph,
>> Are these results consistently reproducible? Can you provide the full
>> queries you are using?
>> Thanks,
>> Dan
>> Daniel Reverri
>> Developer Advocate
>> Basho Technologies, Inc.
>> d...@basho.com
>> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:46 PM, Joseph Lambert <
>> joseph.g.lamb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm having a bit of a problem with k/v indexing and json objects in Riak
>>> Search 0.13.0. I have JSON objects of this format:
>>> {
>>>     "id" : 1,
>>>     "users" : [1559620, 2619082],
>>>     "userData" : {
>>>         "viewedBy1559620" : {
>>>             "isDeleted" : "false"
>>>         }
>>>         "viewedBy2619082" : {
>>>             "isDeleted" : "false"
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> My indexing schema is (also have tried with DefaulAnalyzerFactory):
>>> {
>>>         schema,
>>>         [
>>>                 {version, "0.0.3"},
>>>                 {default_field, "id"},
>>>                 {default_op, "and"},
>>>                 {n_val, 2},
>>>                 {analyzer_factory,
>>> "com.basho.search.analysis.WhitespaceAnalyzerFactory"}
>>>         ],
>>>         [
>>>                 {field, [
>>>                         {name, "id"},
>>>                         {type, integer}
>>>                 ]},
>>>                 {field, [
>>>                         {name, "users"},
>>>                         {type, integer}
>>>                 ]},
>>>                 {dynamic_field, [
>>>                     {name, "userData*isDeleted"},
>>>                     {type, string}
>>>                 ]},
>>>                 {dynamic_field, [
>>>                         {name, "*"},
>>>                         {required, false},
>>>                         {skip, true}
>>>                 ]}
>>>         ]
>>> }.
>>> The appropriate fields are extracted by the extractor and this is the
>>> index created by both factories:
>>> {riak_idx_doc,<<"test">>,
>>>               <<"6e3833626637965f1df837b63cdcc34b">>,
>>>               [{<<"id">>,<<"6e3833626637965f1df837b63cdcc34b">>,
>>>                 [{<<"6e3833626637965f1df837b63cdcc34b">>,[0]}]},
>>>                {<<"userData_viewedBy1559620_isDeleted">>,<<"false">>,
>>>                 [{<<"false">>,[0]}]},
>>>                {<<"userData_viewedBy2619082_isDeleted">>,<<"false">>,
>>>                 [{<<"false">>,[0]}]},
>>>                {<<"users">>,<<"1559620 2619082">>,
>>>                 [{<<"0002619082">>,[1]},{<<"0001559620">>,[0]}]}],
>>>               [],[],true}
>>> The problem comes when I am searching. If I run the following searches
>>> 1.) users:0001559620
>>> 2.) users:0002619082
>>> 3.) userData_viewedBy1559620_isDeleted:false
>>> 4.) userData_viewedBy2619082_isDeleted:false
>>> I get these results:
>>> using search:search from the riak console:
>>> 1.) works
>>> 2.) works
>>> 3.) does not work
>>> 4.) works
>>> The same queries from http using the solr interface (properly url
>>> encoded, I swear):
>>> 1.) does not work
>>> 2.) works
>>> 3.) does not work
>>> 4.) does not work
>>> Now, from the interactive shell:
>>> 1.) does not work
>>> 2.) works
>>> 3.) works
>>> 4.) does not work
>>> Can anyone help explain to me where I am going wrong?
>>> - Joe Lambert
>>> joseph.g.lamb...@gmail.com
>>> +86 13656213284
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