Evening, Morning, Afternoon to All, For today's Recap: a blog post, a new and improved Riak Wiki, a Riak Lightening talk in Pittsburgh, and more.
Enjoy, Mark Community Manager Basho Technologies wiki.basho.com twitter.com/pharkmillups ---- Riak Recap Dec. 27 - 28 1) roder, killfill, seancribbs and bingledac had a brief chat in #riak that touched a bit on the differences between replication in CouchDB and Riak Gist here ---> https://gist.github.com/759140 2) Sean Cribbs is looking for opinions on some breaking changes in Ripple. Details here --> http://twitter.com/seancribbs/statuses/20218927158140928 3) Chris Umbel is going to be doing a Riak/Ripple Lightening Talk at the Pittsburg Ruby Brigade on 1/6. Details here ---> https://twitter.com/chrisumbel/status/19917652877119488 4) Jon Brisbin put together a great blog post on working with the Riak-backed Tomcat Session Manager he just released. Post here --->http://jbrisbin.com/web2/articles/tomcat-session-manager-backed-by-riak/ 5) We released a new version of the Riak Wiki yesterday (which we are super excited about). All the details are here ---> http://blog.basho.com/2010/12/28/riak-wiki-now-running-on-gollum/ ** Big thanks to Wiki Committer Scott Gonyea (@acts_as) for already contributing a bunch of great configuration and build enhancements to the wiki itself. 5.1) Another thanks is in order for Gregory Haskins who has already contributed some great directions for getting Riak up and running on SuSE. Page here ---> http://wiki.basho.com/Installing-on-SUSE.html _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.basho.com http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com