Hey Bruce,

Without knowing too much about what a JCA wrapper would entail, it
_might_ be worthwhile to take a quick look at the work that Jon
Brisbin has done with Spring Riak --
https://github.com/jbrisbin/spring-riak. Other than that, I would say
hack away. I don't doubt that there are others who would find this
code useful.



On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 2:41 PM, bruce kissinger
<brucekissin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Most of my day-to-day programming involves using a Weblogic application
> server.  Weblogic (like many app servers) supports the J2EE Connector
> Architecture (JCA) specification as a way to develop a plugin to a
> particular external system like a database.  This would allow the
> application server to manage connections to Riak and make it more efficient
> for programs running within the app server.  That's the theory anyway...
> I am experimenting with JCA in general and considered building a JCA wrapper
> for Riak.  I searched the message logs and other resources and it doesn't
> look like anyone else is doing this.
> Is there anyone else that might be interested in testing this when I'm
> done?  if it works, I will contribute it.
> --
> Bruce Kissinger
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