Yup, same version.

On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 7:58 PM, Alexander Sicular <sicul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Did you add the same version of riak to your 0.10.1 cluster? I wouldn't 
> mismatch...
> On Dec 20, 2010, at 3:46 PM, Colin Surprenant wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Actually, they're not timeout error but Not Found errors for a bunch
>> of keys that have been stored without error while the cluster is
>> rebalancing.
>> Is it "normal" to see Not Found errors while the cluster is
>> rebalancing? If not, what is my problem here? Is it a problem to
>> insert new keys while the cluster is rebalancing?
>> Again, I cannot find any error report other that riak-admin failing
>> with a timeout as described below.
>> Any help/hints approciated, thanks!
>> Colin
>> On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 2:50 PM, Colin Surprenant
>> <colin.surpren...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I just added a 4th node in my 0.10.1 + innostore cluster and I am
>>> seeing all kind of timeouts both for retrieving objects and trying to
>>> execute riak-admin status which gives me:
>>> RPC to 'r...@x.x.x' failed: {'EXIT',
>>>                                     {timeout,
>>>                                      {gen_server2,call,
>>>                                       [riak_kv_stat,get_stats]}}}
>>> Also, the CPU load has seriously increased on the original 3 nodes.
>>> The data rebalancing is quite slow.
>>> I am not seeing anything wrong in the log files.
>>> Is this an indication that something is going wrong?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Colin
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