
That used to be a problem but the remove command was added for exactly
this situation.

riak-admin remove node

In the code:


On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 03:52, Rudy X. Desjardins <> wrote:
> Hello Riak devs (and users)... is there any way to remove an 'old'
> node from a ring, without issuing 'riak-admin leave' on the node
> itself? I have a cluster running on AWS and one of the machines needed
> to reboot, and the cluster was pointed to it's (volatile) dynamic AWS
> 1918 ip address, vs a public ip/dns name... so, now the node is back
> up and I've re-added it after doing a 'riak-admin reip ... ...' on it,
> but the other nodes still see the old node name/ip as a ring member.
> Ie: ri...@ used to be a member, it was re-booted and now
> has ip so I've re-ip'ed it and re-added it to the
> cluster, and it's up and running fine, but now I have both the new and
> old node name as ring members and no way of re-acquiring the old ip...
> ri...@ *and* ri...@ are both listed as ring
> members.
> What's the best approach/practice here? Is it safe/typical to just
> leave the 'dead' ring member listed, or is there another way to get
> rid of it?
> Thanks in advance...
> --
> Rudy X. Desjardins
> pgp: 96FFA628
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