Well, that's what I had been trying to do: delete all the objects
in the bucket and re-insert again.

So now, I can't delete the objects, and there's no delete-bucket
operation. Is that supposed to mean that I have to delete the
entire Riack db and start everything from scratch??? I hope I
got that part wrong.



On Wed, 2010-12-15 at 22:50 +0800, Joseph Lambert wrote:
> You need to add the hook before you add the objects you want indexed
> when inserting KV data. The precommit hook is what triggers the
> indexing of the objects. If it's not installed when you insert an
> object, it's not going to index it. 
> From the wiki: 
> "Riak Search indexing of KV data must be enabled on a per-KV-bucket
> basis. To enable indexing for a bucket, simply add the Search
> precommit hook to that bucket's properties"
> "With the precommit hook installed, Riak Search will index your data
> each time that data is written"
> I believe the delete is failing because it can't find the value in the
> index, so the precommit hook returns {precommit_fail,notfound} error
> (since a delete updates the meta data of the object).
> If you want to see index data, the index buckets start are named like
> _rsid_bucketname, where bucketname is the bucket you install the hook
> on.
> - Joe Lambert
> joseph.g.lamb...@gmail.com
> On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 7:12 PM, Xiaopong Tran
> <xiaopong.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
>         I installed Riak Search, added a few JSON docs, then install
>         the
>         search hook for the bucket. Now, here are the questions:
>         1) How can I list the indexes that have been created
>         for my bucket?
>         2) After installing the hook, I can't delete my object
>         anymore. Here is the error:
>         7> {ok, P} = test3:init().
>         {ok,<0.44.0>}
>         8> riakc_pb_socket:get(P, "user_bucket", "jane").
>         {ok,{riakc_obj,"user_bucket","jane",
>         <<107,206,97,96,96,96,204,96,202,5,82,44,108,85,66,103,50,
>                         152,18,25,243,88,25,...>>,
>                       [{{dict,3,16,16,8,80,48,
>         {[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],...},
>                               {{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],...}}},
>                         <<"{\"userid\":\"jane\",\"first_name\":\"Jane
>         \",
>         \"last_name\":\"Doe\",\"gender\":\"F\",\"joined_"...>>}],
>                       undefined,undefined}}
>         9> riakc_pb_socket:delete(P, "user_bucket", "jane").
>         {error,<<"{precommit_fail,notfound}">>}
>         10> riakc_pb_socket:delete(P, "user_bucket", <<"jane">>).
>         {error,<<"{precommit_fail,notfound}">>}
>         I can retrieve the object, but can't delete it. What's is
>         going on?
>         Thanks
>         Xiaopong
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