Thanks Sean. Makes sense. Are there any external tools available to
"optimize" innostore? - like the "OPTIMIZE" statement on innodb in


On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Sean Cribbs <> wrote:
> Colin,
> Sorry we missed this question.
> Innostore stores its data in a B-tree which expands and contracts according 
> to the keys you have stored. So yes, when you delete keys, it should reduce 
> the amount of used space. But innostore also pads the tree to keep it 
> balanced and capable of adding new keys into the middle, so there will be 
> some wasted space and small numbers of deletions won't greatly affect the 
> used storage.
> Sean Cribbs <>
> Developer Advocate
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> On Dec 7, 2010, at 11:50 AM, Colin Surprenant wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How does innostore deal with key deletions? will it automatically
>> shrink in size relative to the amount of keys deleted? if not, is
>> there an optimize/compact function somewhere for that?
>> Thanks,
>> Colin
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