
I am new to Riak, and am trying to go through the fast track
get familiar with it.  However, I am running into a specific problem that I
have not been able to find a solution for.  I am trying this on two separate
machines, both running ubuntu 10.04 64, and am having the exact same issue
on both.  I am following the fast track to the letter, and I have started
over from scratch on my riak checkout (stop nodes, rm -rf riak, git clone)
multiple times.  I am currently stuck on this page:

>From the stats:

"ring_ownership": "[{'d...@',21},{'d...@',21},{'
> d...@',22}]"

First I run:

$ curl -v -X PUT HTTP:// -H "Content-type:
> image/jpeg" --data-binary @temp.jpg

* About to connect() to port 8091 (#0)

*   Trying connected

* Connected to ( port 8091 (#0)

> PUT /riak/images/1.jpg HTTP/1.1

> User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7
> OpenSSL/0.9.8k zlib/ libidn/1.15

> Host:

> Accept: */*

> Content-type: image/jpeg

> Content-Length: 5389

> Expect: 100-continue


< HTTP/1.1 100 Continue

< HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

< Vary: Accept-Encoding

< Server: MochiWeb/1.1 WebMachine/1.7.3 (participate in the frantic)

< Date: Sun, 05 Dec 2010 04:32:58 GMT

< Content-Type: image/jpeg

< Content-Length: 0


* Connection #0 to host left intact

* Closing connection #0

This does not return any errors, so I am assuming it is succeeding.

I then attempt to get this image back - either from a web browser, or from
curl, and I'm getting:

$ curl HTTP://

<html><head><title>500 Internal Server
> Error</title></head><body><h1>Internal Server Error</h1>The server
> encountered an error while processing this
> request:<br><pre>[{webmachine_util,escape_quotes,













>  [[<<"content-type">>,105,109,97,103,101,47,106,112,



>  [[<<"X-Riak-Last-Modified">>|{1291,523577,973790}]],















 {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]</pre><P><HR><ADDRESS>mochiweb+webmachine web
> server</ADDRESS></body></html>

I have also tried uploading json.  If I add "returnbody=true" to the url, I
see the json body displayed at the end of the curl put command. However,
when I try to access it afterwards, I get the exact same error as above.  If
anyone has any ideas about what is going on, I would greatly appreciate it.


Bryan Nagle
Liquid Analytics
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