Evening, Morning, Afternoon to all,

For today's Recap: A few conversations from #riak, Basho is hiring, a
new Riak Webinar, and a Riak preso happening in Crakow.



Community Manager
Basho Technologies


Riak Recap for Nov. 29 - 30

1) roidrage, seancribbs and wam had a short but insightful chat in
#riak that started with "Is there a known integration of e.g. solr as
a pre-commit hook for riak k/v?"

Gist here ---> https://gist.github.com/724517

2) Q --- Is there a good way to debug map functions?  (from mikey_p via #riak)

    A --- Check out the ejsLog function.


3) gambi and seancribbs had a brief discussion in #riak that started
with "N=W and R=1 is the fastest possible way to get
reads from riak, is that correct? because that says: write to all
nodes but only read from the closest one, yes?"

Gist here ---> https://gist.github.com/724530

4) Basho is hiring!

Details here: http://blog.basho.com/2010/11/30/basho-is-hiring/

5) We announced another free Webinar this morning on the blog. This
one will be led by Sean Cribbs and will be on Schema Design in Riak.
It's something we've already covered in the past but we were seeing a
lot of demand for it in various venues so we thought it wise to
revisit it.

Details and registration info here --->

6) MichaƂ Zajda (@michalzajda) is going to be talking about Riak at
Erlang Factory Lite happening in Cracow tomorrow night (Dec. 2).

Details here ---> http://erlang-factory.com/conference/krakow2010

Thanks, Michal!

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