On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 12:32, Jon Brisbin
<jon.bris...@npcinternational.com> wrote:
> On Dec 1, 2010, at 10:08 AM, Kevin Smith wrote:
>> There is a cache between the MapReduce machinery and the Javascript VMs to 
>> reduce demand on the VMs. It is a two-level cache based on the bucket/key 
>> pair being accessed and the hash of the Javascript function name or source 
>> being invoked. Changing either the function or writing to the bucket/key 
>> pair should cause the cache to eject entries.
>> If you want to disable the cache, you can do so by adding the following 
>> lines to the riak_kv section of your app.config:
>> {vnode_cache_entries, 0}
> This did make a difference. I suspected this was the case, so I added some 
> code to make the Javascript I was submitting always unique. I took that back 
> out and put this setting in place.
>> I will dig into the caching code and see if there's an issue with stale 
>> entries not getting ejected.
> I can't say for certain, but it seems to be that the M/R gets an incomplete 
> list of keys to use because they are queried first. While the M/R is being 
> run, though, entries are added to that bucket. These are obviously not picked 
> up by the running M/R code because the list of keys has already been obtained.

This is more or less how couch works as well. The list of inputs are
determined at runtime and any new keys (in riaks case if you mapped
over a bucket) are not included in the m/r.

> Of course that's just a guess because I don't know the specifics of how it 
> works internally. :)
>> What are you using for W or DW on your write calls? With W/DW < N the call 
>> can return while the data is still being replicated.
> I was using the defaults.
> What I'm trying now is to set the n_val, w, etc... properties when I start 
> the tests.
> If I'm running a single test server, what should I set and to what value? 
> Just w=1 or does r need to be set too?
> I basically want to make sure that every write is "flushed" before returning. 
> I don't want to add this to the underlying code, because I want to take 
> advantage of any caching and what-not. I just want to make sure that things 
> are flushed and solid while running the test suite. If it takes twice as 
> long, I don't care. I just want the tests to pass. ;)
> jb
>> --Kevin
>>> Thanks for all the help so far! :)
>>> Jon Brisbin
>>> Portal Webmaster
>>> NPC International, Inc.
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> Jon Brisbin
> Portal Webmaster
> NPC International, Inc.
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