
You can just leave empd running.  That is standard erlang runtime
behavior and generally won't cause any problems.


On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 9:59 AM, Jon Brisbin <> wrote:
> I'm running the pre-built binaries for Riak 0.13 (and 0.12 x64, for that
> matter) for OS X 10.6.
> When I do a "riak stop", there is one process still running. The epmd
> -daemon process. I have to kill it manually.
> In my testing, I'm starting 0.13, running a test, then shutting it down,
> starting 0.12 and running another test. If I'm not switching versions, then
> I just leave it running.
> Will this cause a problem if I restart the server and leave this last
> process running? What about if I switch from 0.13 to 0.12 (or vice versa)?
> Will it interfere with anything? Do I even need to kill it?
> Thanks!
> J. Brisbin
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