Your HTTP calls should not being timing out. Are you sending requests
directly to the Riak node or are you using a load balancer? How much load
are you placing on node A? Is it a write only load or are there reads as
well? Can you confirm "all" requests time out or is it a large subset of the
requests? How large are the objects being written? Are you setting R and W
in the request? Are you using a particular client (Ruby, Python, etc.)? Can
you provide the output of "riak-admin status" from node A?

Regarding the ringready command; that is behaving as I would expect
considering a node is down.


Daniel Reverri
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 4:55 PM, Jay Adkisson <> wrote:

> Hey all,
> Here's what I'm seeing: I have four nodes A, B, C, and D.  I'm loading lots
> of data into node A, which is being distributed evenly across the nodes.  If
> I physically reboot node D, all my HTTP calls time out, and `riak-admin
> ringready` complains that not all nodes are up.  Is this intended behavior?
>  Is there a configuration option I can set so it fails more gracefully?
> --Jay
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