Alexander is correct, a full bucket query on any bucket will perform a list
keys across all keys in the cluster.


Daniel Reverri
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 9:25 PM, Alexander Sicular <>wrote:

> Could we get some more clarification on question 3. M/R over a bucket with
> "less" keys. I'm fairly certain that an m/r over a bucket does a listkeys
> across all keys in the cluster.
> Thanks, Alexander
> @siculars on twitter
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 3, 2010, at 20:13, Mark Phillips <> wrote:
>  Evening, Morning, Afternoon to all,
>> For today's Recap we have slides, some new productions users on the
>> wiki, a drink up happening in SF tonight, and some great Q & A.
>> Enjoy!
>> Mark
>> Community Manager
>> Basho Technologies
>> ----
>> Riak Recap for Nov. 1 - 2
>> 1)  Wilson Macgyver (@wmacgyver) posted his slides from a Riak talk he
>> gave at the recent 1DevDay Detroit event.
>> Presentation can be viewed here --->
>> Thanks, Wilson!
>> 2)  We added two new users to the "Who is Using Riak" Page on the wiki
>> - ZayMobile Technology and Division by Zero.
>> Anyone else out there who should be on this page? Don't hesitate to
>> let me know...
>> 3) Q --- Is there any sense in separating some bucket with a lot of
>> keys to some smaller buckets so I can later use then in mapred
>> separately, will it give any performance boost?  e.g. I have client's
>> orders in one bucket, and I can put orders of each client in separate
>> buckets. (from hoodoos via #riak)
>>   A --- Yes. The smaller number of keys your bucket holds, the
>> faster the map/reduce will be (as a rule).
>> 4) Q --- Does anyone know if the bitcask storage engine performs
>> better with extfs4 or xfs ? (from DangerDawson via #riak)
>>   A --- This is not something we have hard and fast numbers on. If
>> you happen to properly bench it before we get to it, let us know :)
>> 5) Q --- Is it possible to load third party javascript libraries like
>> underscore.js to be available in map/reduce functions? (from clofresh
>> via #riak)
>>   A --- This can be done in app.config in 'js_source_dir' under
>> 'riak_kv settings'  Start here --->
>> 6)  Q --- The HTTP interface allows queries to run via solr. with the
>> php client, it allows only lucene syntax. my question is, if I use the
>> php client I need to write something to query via solr, if I want to
>> use solr? (from joseph_sh #riak)
>>    A --- If you want to query Riak Search as Solr, you should use a
>> Solr client. We support enough of the Solr interface to make some
>> clients work, but not all of them. If you find that the PHP Solr
>> client is not completely compatible with Riak Search, we will happily
>> accept patches.
>> 7)  Q ---  I'm having trouble using nginx as proxy in front of luwak
>> but not riak, anyone familiar with this? (from johnae via #riak)
>>    A ---  This is not something that we've tested yet. A detailed
>> email to the Mailing List might help us straighten it out.
>> 8)  Q --- Is there any plan to eventually support JSON data, via the
>> Solr interface, in addition to XML?
>> (from acts_as via #riak)
>>    A --- At the moment you can serve results as JSON but cannot
>> index JSON. There is planned support for this in future releases.
>> Patches are, of course, welcome.
>> 9) Q --- Without me having to mine the code - does riak use pb rpc or
>> something custom for transport of pb messages? (from dysinger via
>> #riak)
>>   A --- It's a 32-bit length of message code + protocol buffer
>> message in network order.  More details here --->
>> 10) Last minute reminder for anyone at QCon and/or in San Francisco:
>> Basho is co-sponsoring  a drink up with the Heroku team at a bar
>> called Bloodhound located at 1145 Folsom Street. It starts at 9. Email
>> me or message me on twitter with any questions.
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