Afternoon, Evening, Morning to All, Here is a short Recap for the last few days.
Enjoy, Mark Community Manager Basho Technologies ---- Riak Recap for Oct. 22 - 24 1) Alex Payne (@al3x), Chief Product & Technology Officer at Bank Simple, shared a few details on Quora about what software they are currently investigating. Riak got a shout out. Check it out here ---> 2) allen_ and benblack had a conversation in #riak about things to look out for when benchmarking Riak. Gist here ---> 3) Q --- Is there a limiting factor for the number of buckets in a cluster? (from __alex via #riak) A --- Buckets using the default bucket properties are free. Each bucket with non-default bucket properties is stored in the gossiped ring state. As long as you accept the default bucket properties, buckets consume no resources. 4) Apologies for the last minute notification here but if you're in or around Minneapolis tonight, Basho Hacker Scott Fritchie (@slfritchie) is giving at talk on Riak for the Ruby Users of Minnesota. This is happening at 7PM local time. Details here ---> _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list