
A few questions:
1) Which version of Ruby are you using?
2) Do you have anything between your Ruby app and Riak (e.g. a load balancer, 
reverse proxy, etc)?
3) Can you enable "verbose" mode on curl and paste the output?  Here's how:

client.http.send(:curl).verbose = true

Sean Cribbs <s...@basho.com>
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On Oct 20, 2010, at 11:45 AM, David Dawson wrote:

> I am currently doing some benchmarking with the current ripple library and 
> have noticed that a 'PUT' ( on mac os x ) is taking over 1 sec when using the 
> curb library!
> If I force the riak-client to use net http instead then the same 'PUT'  takes 
> less than 20 ms
> For now we are going to disable the curb library, although this is the 
> library which is recommended for speed purposes?
> BTW, we are using RIAK 0.13.0
> Dave
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