
I already installed the latest innostore and i already tried with "riak_kv_innostore_backend" but got :
=ERROR REPORT==== 20-Oct-2010::14:39:35 ===
storage_backend riak_kv_innostore_backend is non-loadable.

I tried with the both innostore backend name in app.config.

Le 20/10/10 15:12, Sean Cribbs a écrit :

There are new innostore packages available on <>, but also the name of the backend is "riak_kv_innostore_backend", which was changed sometime before 0.12.

Sean Cribbs < <>>
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On Oct 20, 2010, at 8:47 AM, Germain Maurice wrote:


I have to confess I tested Riak Search with Innostore to quickly because I just got these error messages when installing a new node :

> riaksearch console

=ERROR REPORT==== 20-Oct-2010::14:32:58 ===
storage_backend innostore_riak is non-loadable.

=INFO REPORT==== 20-Oct-2010::14:32:58 ===
    application: riak_kv
    exited: {invalid_storage_backend,{riak_kv_app,start,[normal,[]]}}
    type: permanent
/usr/lib/riaksearch/lib/os_mon-2.2.5/priv/bin/memsup: Erlang has closed.
Erlang has closed

> riaksearch console

=ERROR REPORT==== 20-Oct-2010::14:39:35 ===
storage_backend riak_kv_innostore_backend is non-loadable.

=INFO REPORT==== 20-Oct-2010::14:39:35 ===
    application: riak_kv
    exited: {invalid_storage_backend,{riak_kv_app,start,[normal,[]]}}
    type: permanent
/usr/lib/riaksearch/lib/os_mon-2.2.5/priv/bin/memsup: Erlang has closed.

I'm using Riak Search 0.13.0 and innostore 1.0.2-2-amd64.

Is it normal ? Dan said me it could be not incompatible with innostore.


Le 12/10/10 21:48, Germain Maurice a écrit :
Argh, i replied directly to Dan :/

Hi Germain,

You can use Riak Search as you would a normal installation of Riak KV; Riak Search is a superset of Riak KV. You can modify the riak_kv portion of Riak Search exactly as you would a typical Riak KV installation.

One thing to note; along with index data Riak Search will also store a representation of indexed documents as an object in Riak KV. For example, indexing a document in the "search" index will do the following: 1. Store indexed data in the Merge Index backend using the merge_index data_root
2. Store a new document in Riak KV using the configured backend:
Bucket: _rsid_search
Key: DocId
Value: Data from the document

The document's data representation could be retrieved through the standard REST API as follows:


Daniel Reverri
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc. <>

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 12:11 PM, Germain Maurice < <>> wrote: Not really Dan, it was about pure data storage not about indexes storage.

I just tried Riak Search with Innostore for my buckets and it works, i was a bit hurry (and it was simple to make some test).
However, thank you for having answered.

Le 12/10/10 20:47, Dan Reverri a écrit :
Riak Search uses a custom backend called Merge Index. The Riak Search backend is configurable in app.config, however, Merge Index is the only backend that works for search:
 {riak_search, [
                {search_backend, merge_index_backend},
                {java_home, "/usr"}

Merge index is configurable in app.config as well:
%% Merge Index Config
 {merge_index, [
                {data_root, "data/merge_index"},
                {buffer_rollover_size, 10485760},
                {buffer_delayed_write_size, 524288},
                {buffer_delayed_write_ms, 2000},
                {max_compact_segments, 20},
                {segment_query_read_ahead_size, 65536},
                {segment_compaction_read_ahead_size, 5242880},
                {segment_file_buffer_size, 20971520},
                {segment_delayed_write_size, 20971520},
                {segment_delayed_write_ms, 10000},
                {segment_full_read_size, 20971520},
                {segment_block_size, 32767},
                {segment_values_staging_size, 1000},
                {segment_values_compression_threshold, 0},
                {segment_values_compression_level, 1}

The data_root parameter will tell Merge Index where to store it's data files.

Does this answer your question?


Daniel Reverri
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc. <>

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Germain Maurice < <>> wrote:

     Hi everybody,

    Is there any requirements concerning riak storage backend when
    we are using Riak Search ?
    I think it's independant but we have to be insured about this.

    Thank you..

-- Germain Maurice
    Administrateur Système/Réseau
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