Hi, Bryan.

Thanks, works just perfect!

2010/10/14 Bryan Fink <br...@basho.com>:
> 2010/10/13 Dmitry Demeshchuk <demeshc...@gmail.com>:
>> I worked it out. Both shell and command-line search work good. Seems
>> like I've been doing something wrong before.
> Excellent - good to hear.
>>>> 4. Do you have any tips and advice about working with Unicode in Riak 
>>>> Search?
>>> Encode everything in UTF-8.  There may still be a few bugs we need to
>>> work out, but our intended goal is to have everything in that
>>> department "just work" once you're using UTF-8 everywhere.
>> I'm not sure if I do everything right but here's the step-by step
>> description of my actions:
>> 1.  curl -v -d "{\"title\":\"Статья 1\", \"tags\":\"псто, лытдыбр\",
>> \"body\":\"Я что-то здесь написал\"}" -H "Content-Type:
>> application/json"
>> (Note, there are cyrillic symbols)
> ...snip...
>> 3. curl -X POST -H "content-type: application/json"
>> http://localhost:8098/mapred -d '{"inputs":{"module":"riak_search",
>> "function":"mapred_search", "arg": ["posts", "title:Статья*"]},
>> "query":[{"map":{"language":"javascript","source":"Riak.mapValues",
>> "keep":true}}]}'
> ...snip...
>> Am I doing something wrong? Should I encode characters somehow before
>> I send them into RiakSearch?
> Thanks for the excellent test case - very easy to reproduce.  I
> apologize for my delay in responding, but I wanted to make sure I had
> all of my ducks in a row first.
> So, no, you're doing nothing wrong.  The default, Erlang-based
> analyzer is, in fact, just ignoring non-ascii characters.  I've
> created an issue to track the fix to that analyzer here:
>   https://issues.basho.com/show_bug.cgi?id=814
> In the meantime, the easiest way to fix this issue is to use the
> Java-based "DefaultAnalyzerFactory", which handles non-ascii
> characters correctly (in my tests, at least; I look forward to yours).
>  To use this analyzer, edit your schema file, and add the following
> line to the first list in the schema:
>   {analyzer_factory, "com.basho.search.analysis.DefaultAnalyzerFactory"}
> (The example schemas on the wiki and in doc/using_search.org
> demonstrate the proper placement of this line).  After editing, use
> the bin/search-cmd script to update the schema:
>   $RIAK/bin/seach-cmd set_schema posts /path/to/your/schema.def
> Riak Search should reindex any documents you have stored using the new
> analyzer.  Try your map/reduce query again, and I think you'll find it
> working.
> -Bryan

Best regards,
Dmitry Demeshchuk

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