This makes me unbelievably happy. Is the protocol buffers API going to
be updated for Search?

Also, I approve of Basho drawing heavily from Solr--instead of
inventing a new query syntax, for no reason.  Wish list:

- Search term highlighting (better: tag highlights based on which
query terms they matched)
- Nested Facets (facet on one attribute, broken down into separate facets)
- Field Collapsing (
- A unicorn.

Seriously, I'm really glad to see a super simple syntax. I'll test my
work on an RSolr fork again riak Search, as well.

Time for me to take another, deeper look at ebot
( As this now puts riak
very close to where I'm at with Nutch+Hadoop+Solr+Hadoopified JRuby
(and a dozen gems).

Oh, here's one.  We should totally have a riak backend, based on git.
Then I can store versioned crawl data, over some period of time :).  I
should probably stop writing.


On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 10:32 AM, Mark Phillips <> wrote:
> Hey All,
> Riak 0.13 is officially available for download!
> This is a huge release and includes, among other things, Riak Search
> and enhancements and bug fixes across the board.
> The release notes are here --->
> There is a blog post on the release here --->
> Download and enjoy!
> Mark
> Community Manager
> Basho Technologies
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