My question is not about installing it as root, but running it as root.
The "riak start" script immediately tries to do a sudo.  Why is this
necessary?   If I could configure it so the data files do not go
into /var, for example.

It seems to me this is independent from how I built or installed it.

On Mon, 2010-10-11 at 10:43 -0400, Alexander Sicular wrote:
> The only part of the Riak 'world' that probably is easiest installed as root 
> is erlang. Although you could install erlang as non root. Once you have 
> erlang installed, you can compile riak as non root and it works fine.
> -alexander
> On Oct 11, 2010, at 9:19 AM, Mojito Sorbet wrote:
> > If I do not want Riak to run as 'root', do I have to run it from a
> > compiled installation rather than the binary installation?
> > 
> > 
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