I imagine that if you can afford clusters in multiple datacenters then
you should be able to afford EnterpriseDS.  Or is it prohibitively

I have no idea. But afaics that's Basho's revenue model.


2010/10/5 Jason J. W. Williams <jasonjwwilli...@gmail.com>:
> Maybe the community can come up with a solution for those of us that can't 
> afford or yet justify EnterpriseDS.
> -J
> Sent via iPhone
> Is your e-mail Premiere?
> On Oct 5, 2010, at 9:40, Dean Cookson <cook...@basho.com> wrote:
>> Andrew,
>> The best way to do what you describe is to have a cluster in each datacenter 
>> with the multi-cluster replication feature from the EnterpriseDS version of 
>> Riak running between them.  Replication will automatically propagate writes 
>> in both directions and will give you the local access performance you need.  
>> We recommend against having a single cluster span data centers as any given 
>> cluster really needs to share a low-latency network.
>> Best regards,
>> Dean
>> --
>> Dean Cookson
>> VP Business Development
>> Basho Technologies, Inc.
>> Google Voice: +1 415 692 1775
>> Skype: photo_luddite
>> cook...@basho.com
>> On Oct 4, 2010, at 7:35 PM, Andrew Cooper wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> The Dynamo replication scheme allows one to specify how many nodes a
>>> change should be propagated to. But what if I want a change to be
>>> (eventually) propagated to each and every machine in the cluster?
>>> I can't simply specify a fixed number of nodes to replicate to,
>>> because, in the general case, this is time-varying. My use case is a
>>> multi-datacenter cluster with a low read latency requirement for
>>> certain records (thus those records need to be present in each
>>> datacenter, if not even on each machine).
>>> Is this currently possible, or would it require a patch? Or would this
>>> be too difficult to implement with the current architecture? This
>>> seems to be a problem common to all databases using the Dynamo
>>> replication scheme... or is it? Thoughts?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Andrew
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