On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 1:24 PM, Mark Jarecki wrote:
> I was using the tarball before. Just tried `hg clone http://hg.basho.com/riak`
> and then tried `make rel`, still getting an error:
> ./rebar get-deps
> Uncaught error in rebar_core: {'EXIT',
>                                  {undef,
>                                      [{crypto,start,[]},
>                                       {rebar_core,run,1},
>                                       {rebar,main,1},
>                                       {escript,run,2},
>                                       {escript,start,1},
>                                       {init,start_it,1},
>                                       {init,start_em,1}]}}

How did you install Erlang?
You are missing the crypto app.
This usually happens if you built without having the OpenSSL
development files (headers, libs, etc.) available at ./configure time.

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