Also, your query may have hit some "not_found" objects - you'll probably want 
to filter those out in the reduce phase using values = 
Riak.filterNotFound(values);  That could be the source of some errors.

Sean Cribbs <>
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On Sep 20, 2010, at 12:07 PM, francisco treacy wrote:

> 2010/9/19 Kevin Smith <>:
>> 0) I know the MapReduce machinery isn't as user-friendly as it could be. We 
>> are making plans now on ways to dramatically improve things on this front in 
>> the nearish future. I hope to have more details to share soon. We've 
>> committed improvements to the error reporting logic on tip so if you have 
>> the ability to upgrade to tip you should get improved error messages.
> Thanks, Kevin, that's great news. Looking forward to hearing more.
>> 1) Reduce functions are currently called in two different ways. The first 
>> way is to invoke the reduce function with a list of items produced from the 
>> map phase. Internally the MapReduce machinery batches up data as it streams 
>> in from the map phase and sends the batches to the reduce phase.
>> The second way to invoke a reduce function at the end of the reduce with the 
>> list of data produced via earlier reduce invocations. This is also referred 
>> to as "re-reduce". Riak reduce functions always re-reduce. Re-reduction is a 
>> common source of problems as it tends to catch people off guard. However, 
>> your function looks like it should work. You could try wrapping the function 
>> body in a try/catch and using ejsLog to log the exception to a file. That 
>> should shed some light on what exactly if failing.
> Yea, that was my understanding but indeed, it may have caught me off guard :)
> Unfortunately I couldn't reproduce the problem with our sum function.
> It works just fine now. What I am totally certain about is that I saw
> it failing (logs are the proof) and by simply './riak restart'-ing the
> problem went away. Hope not to experience something similar in
> production!
>> 2) How are you reloading new Javascript functions? 'riak-admin js_reload' 
>> should cause all the Javascript VMs to restart and start from a clean slate. 
>> If that's not working correctly I'd be very interested in knowing that so I 
>> can fix it before our next release.
> Good point, I am *not* using named functions so I imagine `riak-admin
> js_reload` does not apply to my case (or does it - I never triggered
> it)?  Every job I submit is comprised of anonymous functions (except
> Riak built-ins, that is) -- I am developing plenty of ad-hoc queries
> to be run once in a while on our production data.
> The rest of the weirdness could have come from my side (possibly badly
> coded reduce functions). Better error reporting, as well as guidelines
> and gotchas when building reduces and advanced examples, would
> definitely help. What I can say right now is that I'll be closely
> following this matter, and come up asap with any issues I may
> encounter.
> Francisco
>> On Sep 19, 2010, at 1:09 PM, francisco treacy wrote:
>>> So, I've had a weekend plagued of reduce function errors and general
>>> weirdness, probably due to my ignorance on the subject.
>>> Functions seem to be cached, which makes total sense. But it happened
>>> to me several times sending a *different* function yet Riak would
>>> completely ignore it and keep on running an older version (i started
>>> noticing when using ejsLog). Is there a way of disabling caching? Hope
>>> i'm missing something big here cause that's super annoying.
>>> (I've also noticed strange behaviour when executing map/reduce jobs in
>>> parallel and getting results mixed up... *sometimes* (possibly race
>>> conditions) -- but first I want to make sure it's not the client. And
>>> no, there's no global leakage.).
>>> Then... what's wrong with this reduce function? It used to run fine,
>>> but now it doesn't anymore. Oh, wait - yes it does again now that I
>>> restarted Riak:
>>> function(values) {
>>>          return [
>>>            values.reduce(function(acc, value) {
>>>              return acc + (value.fleet || value || 0);
>>>            }, 0)
>>>          ];
>>>        }
>>> What can explain this behaviour? ( * error logs attached)
>>> I'm well aware of
>>> and the few blog posts on the matter. Are there any docs in-between
>>> the basic examples and the source code? (i will delve into it once I
>>> get enough Erlang-fu, promise :)
>>> I mean, when and how reduces (and re-reduces) are invoked and what you
>>> should expect will be fed to your function, how are they cached and
>>> what should programmers know about, what can/can't be done, more
>>> advanced examples (how do "commutative, associative, and idempotent"
>>> functions reflect in practical terms), etc.
>>> I'd love to help with whatever I can (might be good material for a blog 
>>> post).
>>> Thanks,
>>> Francisco
>>> (*) These are the logs:
>>> =SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 19-Sep-2010::18:10:32 ===
>>>     Supervisor: {local,luke_phase_sup}
>>>     Context:    child_terminated
>>>     Reason:     {error,failed_reduce}
>>>     Offender:   [{pid,<0.5424.22>},
>>>                  {name,undefined},
>>>                  {mfa,
>>>                   {luke_phase,start_link,
>>>                    [riak_kv_reduce_phase,1,
>>>                     [accumulate,converge],
>>>                     undefined,<0.5421.22>,66000,
>>>                     [{javascript,
>>>                       {reduce,
>>>                        {jsanon,
>>>                         <<"function (values) {\n          return [\n
>>>          values.reduce(function(acc, value) {\n              return
>>> acc + (value.fleet || value || 0);\n            }, 0)\n          ];\n
>>>      }">>},
>>>                        none,true}}]]}},
>>>                  {restart_type,temporary},
>>>                  {shutdown,brutal_kill},
>>>                  {child_type,worker}]
>>> =SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 19-Sep-2010::18:10:32 ===
>>>     Supervisor: {local,luke_phase_sup}
>>>     Context:    child_terminated
>>>     Reason:     {error,failed_reduce}
>>>     Offender:   [{pid,<0.5425.22>},
>>>                  {name,undefined},
>>>                  {mfa,
>>>                   {luke_phase,start_link,
>>>                    [riak_kv_reduce_phase,1,
>>>                     [accumulate,converge],
>>>                     undefined,<0.5421.22>,66000,
>>>                     [{javascript,
>>>                       {reduce,
>>>                        {jsanon,
>>>                         <<"function (values) {\n          return [\n
>>>          values.reduce(function(acc, value) {\n              return
>>> acc + (value.fleet || value || 0);\n            }, 0)\n          ];\n
>>>      }">>},
>>>                        none,true}}]]}},
>>>                  {restart_type,temporary},
>>>                  {shutdown,brutal_kill},
>>>                  {child_type,worker}]
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