Hi, John.

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 11:24 AM, John Axel Eriksson <j...@insane.se> wrote:
> I know the recommendation of max 50 megs per file in riak currently... but I 
> tried
> uploading a file that was around 120 megs and everything went fine.

Riak doesn't itself mandate a maximum object size... but since a
riak_object in transit must be materialized into an in-memory data
structure and copied across processes, large objects can cause very
poor performance or failure.  The exact practical maximum can vary a

There is some (prototyped but not yet fully integrated) work that,
when released, will allow you to store large objects easily by
transparently chunking them into a hash tree of smaller objects.  More
details on this when it lands.

I hope that this information is helpful.



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