I think you want to use the :key as the identifier for the selection.

  = f.collection_select(:web_server, WebServer.all, :key, :name)


On Sep 1, 2010, at 2:48 PM, John Axel Eriksson wrote:

> I'm not exactly an expert on Rails but I've built a few simpler apps. Now
> I'm working on an app using Ripple and I'm having a few issues, perhaps
> I just haven't grasped riak/ripple yet...
> Anyway...
> class Client
>  include Ripple::Document
>  timestamps!
>  property :name, String
>  property :hostname, String
>  property :url, String
>  property :blocked, Boolean
>  key_on :hostname
>  one :web_server
>  def id
>    hostname
>  end
> end
> class WebServer
>  include Ripple::Document
>  timestamps!
>  property :name, String
>  many :users
>  many :clients
>  key_on :name
>  def id
>    name
>  end
> end
> in Rails console:
> c = Client.new(:name => 'abc')
> ws = WebServer.find('some.domain.name')
> c.web_server = ws
> c.save
> the above works just fine (and doing curl -i against the resources in riak 
> shows the links too) but...
> in a (haml) form I do:
>  .select
>    %label= f.label :web_server
>    = f.collection_select(:web_server, WebServer.all, :id, :name)
> but here I get an error when saving saying:
>  ArgumentError (Invalid value "some.domain.name" for association web_server 
> of type WebServer on <Client:abc name="abc" created_at=Wed Sep 01 17:38:08 
> UTC 2010 updated_at=Wed Sep 01 17:38:13 UTC 2010 url="abc.somedomain.name" 
> blocked=nil hostname="abc">):
>    app/controllers/clients_controller.rb:63:in `update'
> I ported the code over from a MongoDB-version of the app where these forms 
> worked just fine. I'm having trouble seeing whats wrong with this, maybe I 
> don't know rails
> well enough...
> Also, does ripple support accepts_nested_attributes_for (afaict it doesn't)?
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