Hi Everyone, I was going to post this in IRC, but thought the mailing-list would be better.
Having Rails 3.0.0 (and Bundler 1.0.0) released, and seeing Sean's nearly realtime update of Ripple, I'm inspired to restart working on a shelved Rails3 + Ripple project. I've made some good progress, even got my Rails 3 app to working with Ripple and Inherited-Resources. I am now turning to getting my test tooling setup and have a few questions: * Did the "delete all object by bucket" feature make any headway? The specific use-case for me is to (quickly) rollback to a fresh, predictable database for testing (rspec, cucumber). With RDBMSs, using transactions and not committing works nicely. I was thinking of forking and patching http://github.com/bmabey/database_cleaner to support Riak. * I forked and started playing with http://github.com/seancribbs/riak-qc.js. Is there any more documentation or examples (BTW, the example in the README has 'describe("Property...', I think it ought to be 'define("Property...'). Or are there any other tools that could help TDD'ing custom M/R functions? * Is anyone else working on Ripple + Rails 3? -- Thanks! Brian _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.basho.com http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com