Joyent makes a great service, but they are WAY overly priced. I'd
recommend a 512 SliceHost/Linode. Or a 1GB @ Voxel/SoftLayer.


On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Alexander Sicular <> wrote:
> - You can not tell riak where to place buckets.
> - You could set the N val on a bucket to one, and you should in the case of 
> your 'big bucket'. Otherwise you will get N replicas on the same physical 
> host.
> -Use linode. 512 > 256 = better.
> But in reality , your use case doesnt mesh well with what riak is all about. 
> distributed redundancy. I would use couchdb for your 'big bucket' of data. 
> Couch uses a write only log (wol) filesystem with an incremental b-tree index 
> for map reduce. This may work better for you.
> -Alexander
> On Aug 12, 2010, at 6:44 AM, Orlin Bozhinov wrote:
>> I can easily wait for Riak Search to do this 
>>  - instead of mongodb.  Does this deployment I have in mind make sense:
>> I'll get a medium (or large) Linode box for the big dataset bucket.  
>> Hopefully you can give me an idea about how much RAM I'll need for that.  
>> This is batch-generated data.  It takes time to generate, but (once added) 
>> it will not change.  Because of that I'd like to save some money and not 
>> replicate it.  I plan to have 2 other small Linode servers and run a Riak 
>> cluster of 3.  Can I tell Riak to keep the big bucket exclusively on the big 
>> server?  It will be used only for queries.  So if the server crashes, I can 
>> just reboot it, expecting the same data back up.  Because it's a single-node 
>> bucket (if that's even possible to have in a cluster), I probably still 
>> won't be "linking" to it from other buckets (so when it fails, the impact is 
>> minimal).  Or maybe I should keep it in a separate (single node) cluster 
>> anyway?
>> Cluster separation means I can run the smaller cluster elsewhere.  The 
>> Joyent + Riak news is very exciting!  I couldn't afford to put the big 
>> bucket dataset on it (another reason to have 2 clusters) and I'd have to go 
>> with the smallest SmartMachines for starters.  Would 256 MB RAM be good 
>> enough (just for Riak)?  What kind of load can that handle?  I'm also 
>> tempted to just run everything on Linode.  It's about 3 times cheaper (as 
>> far memory goes) and the upgrades are less dramatic.  Would you recommend 
>> that (for low-budget)?  I imagine there will be an easy (Linode -> Joyent) 
>> Riak migration path...
>> Orlin
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