2010/8/12 Bryan Fink <br...@basho.com>:
> Hi, Francisco.  I've run into this myself in developing a recent
> application.  I've been loathe to change the Riak behavior, for
> worries of breaking existing client expectations.  The original
> escaping was put in to deal with objects that had been created by the
> native Erlang client, and therefore might have non-url-safe keys.  I'm
> fairly certain I now agree that Riak should never mess with escaping,
> though (and that non-url-safe keys should be treated as errors for the
> HTTP interface).

Yes, we agree Riak should never mess with escaping *and* non-url-safe
keys should be treated as errors for the HTTP interface (or for all,
what if you save a document via Erlang or the protobuf interface and
then you want to retrieve it with HTTP GET?).

I think not only it's important to fix
https://issues.basho.com/show_bug.cgi?id=617 , but also to clearly
state how client lib implementors should deal with this (basically,
that they should take care of all escaping in a uniform manner).

> In the meantime, a good workaround is to base64-encode keys used over
> HTTP.  As long as you use alternate characters for + and / (like - and
> _, called "base64url" on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64), you end
> up with urlencode(base64encode(Key)) == urldecode(base64encode(Key))
> == base64encode(Key).

If I understand correctly this would involve changing my keys and atm
it's not really feasible in our app. As a workaround until this is
fixed, I patched Ripple so that it doesn't escape:
(works ok so far).


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