Afternoon, Evening, Morning to all,

Deepest apologies for the lack of Recap over the last few days. Things
have been hectic here in SF. I hope you can forgive me. (This recap
comes to you live from the Cassandra Summit (gasp!).)

We have an action-packed Recap for today: A new Clojure client, Riak
playing nice with CouchDB, hosted Riak, updates to the Perl Client,
events, and much more.



Community Manager
Basho Technologies


Riak Recap for 8/6 - 8/9

1) @mmcgrana wrote a great blog called "Exploring Riak with Clojure"
that is essntially a Clojure-specific Riak Fast Track (which is
amazing!). He also used the blog to show off the his Clojure Protocol
Buffers client. Thanks for posting this, Mark.

Post here --->

Repo for his Clojure Lib here --->

Added to the Riak Wiki Here --->

2) @mattsta posted a blog called "The Key-Value Wars of the Early 21st
Century." This one is a good read and had caused a good amount of
chatter. Matt has written some working code to integrate CouchDB with
Riak and his repo is up on Github, so check it out. Thanks, Matt.

Post here --->

3) We announced that we are partnering with Joyent to make hosted Riak
available in the Joyent Cloud. We are really excited about this.

Blog post about it here --->

4) Basho announced we closed $2 Million in angel funding!

Press Release here --->

5) Franck Cuny pushed out the 0.7 version of his Net-Riak driver.

Latest changes here --->

6) The Riak San Francisco Meetup was held last night. By all accounts,
it was a great success, with awesome talks, some great ideas
exchanged, and a good amount drinks splashed in. (Apologies to all of
you who couldn't be there). I'm planning to have a blog post up about
it by the end of the week, and there should be some photos available
by then, too. Thanks to all who attended!

7) Q --- What is the etag value returned by riak? (from pjstadig via #riak)

    A --- It's a hash of the vclock.

8) Q --- Will Riak be available to use through Joyent for the Node
Knockout? (from @frank06 via twitter)

    A --- We are hustling to have the image ready by then. We will
keep you posted. In the meant time, email the team (
with any specific questions.

For those of you who aren't familiar with node knockout --->

9)  Q --- Do you happen to know if/how i'd be able to control simple
request timeouts with riak-client? I'm using it to store request logs
and while they will be handy, I want to set a short timeout for the
insert so its not leaving users hanging on every request if the riak
node gets KO'd. (from NemesisD via #riak)

    A --- That's client-specific (as in net/http vs. curl) and you
should probably feed that into a queue like Rabbit then have a
separate process that loads it into riak. If you're using Ripple, try
this out:

Ripple.client.send(:curl).timeout = 60 # 60 second request timeout

10)  Q --- Why oh why am i in berlin and not in SF? (from roidrage via #riak)

       A --- We have no idea.

11)  Quick reminder for anyone in San Francisco... Basho is taking
part if the Devnation event happening this Saturday. Andy Gross will
be speaking. Join us if you're in town.

Details here --->

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