
I've been trying to work with postcommit hooks to try a method for creating
indexes. I've added to the bucket properties "mod" : "post_commit_index" and
"fun" : "index_value" and verified those properties are set.

I then attach to riak, and make sure the module is loaded. Then, when I try
to insert some data into the bucket, I get an error with the postcommit that
shows this:

** Reason for termination =
** {{case_clause,{struct,[{<<"mod">>,<<"post_commit_index">>},

If I attach the console and run m(). I can see the module is loaded, and can
test that the function index_value actually works.

In actuality, this function currently does nothing, it is just an attempt to
test triggering the postcommit hook function. Any insights into what I may
be doing wrong?

- Joe Lambert

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