
I *think* I had the same problem.

Perhaps you started your nodes when they were still called 'riak', and
that may be the reason why -progname remains?

Did you update the ring file? This worked for me:

riak-testing/bin/riak-admin reip r...@ test...@
riak-production/bin/riak-admin reip r...@ product...@


2010/7/25 Misha Gorodnitzky <mis...@pobox.com>:
> Ya, I changed that in my vm.staging.args config file. However, in the
> process list I see these two processes:
>  /usr/lib/riak/erts-5.7.5/bin/run_erl -daemon /var/run/riak-staging/
> /var/log/riak-staging exec /usr/sbin/riak console -
>  /usr/lib/riak/erts-5.7.5/bin/beam.smp -K true -A 5 -- -root
> /usr/lib/riak -progname riak -- -home /var/lib/riak -- -boot
> /usr/lib/riak/releases/0.12.0/riak -embedded -config
> /etc/riak/app.staging.config -name riak_stag...@ -setcookie
> riak-staging -home /var/lib/riak-staging -- console -
> The second one being a child to the first. I can see that the -name is
> being set there, what worries me is that -progname is 'riak', I'm not
> sure if that needs to be unique or not, or how to change it.
> --M
> On 25 July 2010 17:29, Grant Schofield <gr...@basho.com> wrote:
>> Does the second vm.args have the same -name setting as the first node? Each 
>> node will need to have a unique name configured.
>> Grant Schofield
>> Developer Advocate
>> Basho Technologies, Inc.
>> On Jul 25, 2010, at 9:00 AM, Misha Gorodnitzky wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm trying to run multiple instances of Riak on my server with the
>>> goal to run both the staging environment and eventually the production
>>> environment on the same server (I only have one for this project).
>>> This is an Ubuntu server and if at all possible I'd prefer not to
>>> build Riak from source, although I understand that it would be easier
>>> to have multiple instances running that way. I would rather keep
>>> software managed with the package manager here.
>>> What I've done is I've modified /usr/sbin/riak to allow specifying the
>>> config files to use (app.config, vm.args), the log dir, run dir (for
>>> the pipe) and the home dir, and I can startup an instance of Riak
>>> using my "staging" environment. However, when I try to start up the
>>> second Riak instance, it fails with just a couple of things
>>> out-of-the-ordinary in it's logs:
>>>  =INFO REPORT==== 25-Jul-2010::13:54:35 ===
>>>      application: riak_kv
>>>      exited: {shutdown,{riak_kv_app,start,[normal,[]]}}
>>>      type: permanent
>>>  =INFO REPORT==== 25-Jul-2010::13:54:35 ===
>>>      alarm_handler: {clear,system_memory_high_watermark}
>>>  {"Kernel pid 
>>> terminated",application_controller,"{application_start_failure,riak_kv,{shutdown,{riak_kv_app,start,[normal,[]]}}}"}^M
>>>  Kernel pid terminated (application_controller)
>>> ({application_start_failure,riak_kv,{shutdown,{riak_kv_app,start,[normal,[]]}}})^M
>>> And the Riak process that's already running logs this:
>>>  ** Connection attempt from disallowed node 'riak_stag...@' **
>>> Any ideas what this might be? Has anyone managed to do this using the
>>> Riak .deb package?
>>> Thanks,
>>> --Misha
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